Zum Start der Aktion zeigt das Magazin bei einem Fotoshooting ganz unterschiedliche Frauen, die mit viel Freude ihre Handtücher in die Luft werfen. Die Botschaft dahinter: „Wirf das Handtuch weg und steh zu deinem Körper!“

we are thrilled to finally reveal our body positive summer campaign: #DropTheTowel – about the refusal to hide behind our towels & coverups any longer and boldly owning our already beautiful beach/pool/everywhere body! share your photos by using #DropTheTowel this summer! (Check out our article online now – photography by @itsrainingneon, creative director @somewhere_under_the_rainbow, stylist @laureldickman) – other shoots focusing on all communities are coming soon this summer – email monica@wyvmag.com if interested in participating! #WearYourVoice #FuckFatPhobia #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #curvesreign #radicalbodylove #goldenconfidence #losehatenotweight #ThereIsNoWrongWayToBeAWoman #alternativecurves #boldncurvy #bigarmnoharm #bigandblunt #plus_isamust #CelebrateMySize #plusmodel #models #beachbabes #summer #photoshoot #Oakland #wcw

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